Why and how to use a properly designed waveguide:
“After several months of living with Noble & Noble I’m still amazed
at the detail at any volume with every genre of music.”
What’s in it for you?
You, the music lover, will be able to enjoy a High-Resolution yet delicate and beautiful sound of your favorite music, any kind of music.
Why use a properly designed waveguide?
Using a properly designed waveguide allows for a better coupling of the tweeter diaphragm to the surrounding air and to reduce the impact of the radiation pattern problems and/or cabinet edge diffraction’s. A properly designed waveguide increases the overall dispersion in the upper frequency ranges and decreases the overall distortion at the same time.
How was this achieved?
This was achieved by focusing on the tweeter and waveguide interaction. FYI, all Noble & Noble models feature this properly designed waveguide.
Which advantages are realized by using a properly designed waveguide:
• A lower acoustical distortion level so you can enjoy your favorite music unobtrusively, shall we say in a more natural way? Yes, let’s say that.
• Decisively more naturalness in the whole music spectrum especially in the upper frequency ranges.
• The waveguide fixes the tweeter at a phase-correct point in line with the mid-woofer unit.
• Thanks to this waveguide there are no radiation pattern problems and/or cabinet edge diffraction’s anymore.
What will be the result?
The result will be that the speakers now need less power to give you the same unobtrusive Sound Pressure Level.
What will be your benefit?
Your benefit will be that you, the music lover, will be able to enjoy a High-Resolution yet delicate and beautiful sound of your favorite kind of music, any kind of music.