Why and how to cancel out 100% of the unwanted mechanical
vibrations or the Vibrations Cancellation System:
“Thanks to the Vibrations Cancellation System minute musical details are clear and balanced
at low listening levels and stay in proportion as you listen louder and louder.”
What’s in it for you?
Now, the all-important human voice frequencies will be reproduced free of any distortions and thus, dare I say, resulting in a sound performance that will put a smile on your face and you may even get tears in your eyes, tears of joy. Yes, I dare to say that.
Why cancel out unwanted mechanical vibrations?
Because to have any speaker unit perform flawlessly it must operate from a 100% non-moving point and stay there.
Let us start at the beginning and see how sound is created?
Sound is created by the power of the magnet which enables the cone to move in and out.
What happens when a speaker unit is mounted directly onto the front panel of a (6-sided) cabinet?
When a speaker unit is mounted directly onto the front panel it produces mechanical vibrations to be specific unwanted mechanical vibrations. Because of the principle “action <> reaction”, also known as Newton’s third law, mechanical vibrations are produced, unwanted mechanical vibrations that is. These unwanted mechanical vibrations cause a decrease in the speaker unit’s efficiency and an increase in the sound distortion thus, effectively, distorting your music. Knowing this, I am sure that you will not be surprised when I conclude that the cancellation of these unwanted mechanical vibrations will result in an undistorted, coherent sound reproduction of your favorite kind of music, any kind of music.
How to cancel out 100% of these unwanted mechanical vibrations?
To cancel out 100% of these unwanted mechanical vibrations there is really only one solution: The Vibrations Cancellation System, invented by Mr. Rob Meijst, the best kept secret in loudspeaker design circles.
Thanks to the Vibrations Cancellation System, these unwanted mechanical vibrations are not even produced and thus cannot set the actual (6-sided) cabinet into motion. It’s as simple as that. FYI, all Noble & Noble models feature this Vibrations Cancellation System.
How was this achieved?
This was achieved by mechanically coupling the magnets of the two identical mid-woofer units with one another. Now, these two units move in an asynchronous manner towards one another thus keeping both units at a 100% non-moving point and, of paramount importance, stay there. Now, both units perform flawlessly which is vibration-free, naturally.
But that’s not all. The tube in between the magnets of the two mid-woofer units is filled with a damping material.
Why fill the tube with a damping material?
The tube is filled with a damping material as an extra security measure so as to prevent whatever left-over unwanted mechanical vibrations from occurring.
What will be the result?
The result will be that the all-important human voice is now “voiced” by one speaker unit only, naturally. FYI, the highest human voice tone or a Soprano is ±2 kHz.
What will be your benefit?
Your benefit will be that the all-important human voice frequencies will now be reproduced free of any distortions and thus, dare I say, resulting in a sound performance that will put a smile on your face and you may even get tears in your eyes, tears of joy. Yes, I dare to say that.